8 Top Cat Breeds With Big Eyes

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1. Persian 

Persian cats are known for their large, round eyes that give them a sweet and gentle expression. Their eyes come in various colors, including copper, blue, and green, and are often accentuated by their long, luxurious coats. 

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2. Siamese 

Siamese cats have striking blue almond-shaped eyes that are one of their most distinguishing features. Their piercing gaze and intense eye color add to their elegant and regal appearance. 

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3. Scottish Fold   

Scottish Fold cats are known for their folded ears, but they also have large, round eyes that give them an endearing and wide-eyed expression. Their eyes can be various colors, including gold, blue, or green. 

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4. Sphynx 

Sphynx cats are known for their hairless appearance, which draws attention to their large, expressive eyes. Their eyes are typically large and round, with colors ranging from gold to green and blue. 

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5. Burmese 

Burmese cats have big, expressive eyes that convey warmth and affection. Their eyes are usually a striking shade of gold or yellow, which contrasts beautifully with their dark, glossy coats. 

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6. Himalayan 

Himalayan cats, a breed similar to the Persian, also have large, round eyes that contribute to their sweet and gentle expression. Their eyes are often blue or copper in color and are accentuated by their long, fluffy coats. 

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7. Maine Coon  

Maine Coon cats are known for their large size and tufted ears, but they also have big, expressive eyes that add to their majestic appearance. Their eyes can be gold, green, or copper in color. 

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8. Ragdoll  

Ragdoll cats have large, deep blue eyes that give them a captivating and soulful expression. Their eyes are one of their most striking features and contribute to their relaxed and gentle demeanor. 

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