8 Cat Breeds That Are Rare To Find

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1. Sokoke 

The Sokoke is a rare breed of domestic cat originally from Kenya. Known for its distinctive tabby coat with unique "wood grain" markings, the Sokoke is an agile and intelligent cat breed. 

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2. Toyger 

The Toyger is a newer breed developed to resemble a miniature tiger. With its striking striped coat and muscular build, the Toyger is known for its playful and outgoing personality.

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3. Kurilian Bobtail  

The Kurilian Bobtail is a natural breed originating from the Kuril Islands of Russia. Known for its distinctive bobbed tail and thick coat, the Kurilian Bobtail is an intelligent and independent cat breed. 

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4. LaPerm 

The LaPerm is a curly-coated cat breed known for its unique, curly fur. Originating from the United States, the LaPerm is affectionate, social, and enjoys being around people. 

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5. Chartreux 

The Chartreux is a rare breed of French origin known for its blue-gray fur and smiling expression. Despite its reserved demeanor, the Chartreux is affectionate and forms strong bonds with its human companions. 

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6. Selkirk Rex     

The Selkirk Rex is known for its distinctive curly coat, which is the result of a genetic mutation. With its affectionate and laid-back personality, the Selkirk Rex is an excellent companion for families and individuals alike. 

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7. Egyptian Mau 

The Egyptian Mau is one of the few naturally spotted breeds of domestic cat. With its elegant appearance and playful nature, the Egyptian Mau is a rare but sought-after breed. 

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8. American Wirehair 

The American Wirehair is known for its unique wiry coat, which is the result of a spontaneous mutation. With its friendly and outgoing personality, the American Wirehair is a rare but charming breed. 

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8 Top Cat Breeds That Are Smaller-Sized