8 Step To Train Your Puppy To Be Home Alone

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1. Start Slowly  

Begin by leaving your puppy alone for short durations. Gradually increase the time as your puppy becomes more comfortable being on its own. This helps prevent separation anxiety. 

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2. Grilled Salmon with Lemon and Herbs  

Designate a specific area, like a comfortable crate or a puppy-proofed room, where your puppy can stay when you're not at home. Ensure the space is safe, and leave some familiar items, like toys or a blanket. 

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3. Practice Leaving and Returning      

Practice leaving and returning home without making a big fuss. This helps your puppy understand that departures and arrivals are not highly emotional events. Keep the departures low-key to reduce anxiety. 

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4. Establish a Routine  

Set a consistent daily routine for your puppy. This includes feeding times, walks, and play sessions. Predictability can help your puppy feel secure and reduce anxiety when left alone. 

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5. Use Positive Reinforcement    

Reward your puppy for calm behavior when alone. Use treats, toys, or verbal praise when your puppy is relaxed and quiet. This positive reinforcement helps create positive associations with being alone. 

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6. Leave Enrichment Toys  

Provide your puppy with toys that can keep them occupied. Puzzle toys with treats inside or chew toys can help alleviate boredom and redirect their attention away from your absence. 

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7. Desensitize Leaving Cues 

Perform actions that signal your departure, such as picking up your keys or putting on your coat, without actually leaving. This helps desensitize your puppy to these cues, reducing anxiety. 

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8. Gradual Independence  

Allow your puppy to gradually become more independent. Encourage them to spend short periods alone even when you're at home. This helps build their confidence in being alone without associating it solely with your departure. 

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