8 Small Cat Breeds That Stay Little

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1. Singapura   

The Singapura is one of the smallest cat breeds, known for its small size, large eyes, and distinctive ticked coat. Adult Singapuras typically weigh around 4 to 8 pounds. 

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2. Munchkin  

Munchkins are known for their short legs, a result of a genetic mutation. Despite their short stature, they are generally healthy and playful, with a weight range of about 5 to 9 pounds. 

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3. Cornish Rex  

Cornish Rex cats have a slender build, large ears, and distinctive wavy fur. They are known for their petite size, with an average weight of 5 to 10 pounds. 

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4. Devon Rex 

Similar to the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex has a small and slender body, large ears, and a distinctive curly coat. They typically weigh between 5 and 10 pounds. 

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5. American Curl 

American Curls are known for their unique curled-back ears. They come in various sizes, but many remain on the smaller side, with an average weight of around 5 to 10 pounds. 

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6. Balinese 

The Balinese, a long-haired variety of the Siamese, is a medium-sized cat breed. While not the smallest, they are generally petite, with an average weight of 5 to 10 pounds. 

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7. Japanese Bobtail   

Japanese Bobtails are known for their short tails and playful personalities. They typically weigh between 5 and 10 pounds, making them a small to medium-sized breed. 

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8. Burmese 

Burmese cats have a sleek and muscular build, and while they are not the smallest, they are generally smaller than some other breeds. Adult Burmese cats typically weigh between 6 and 12 pounds. 

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8 Cat Breeds That Love Water And Swimming