The Turkish Van is renowned for its love of water. These cats have a semi-longhair coat that is water-resistant, and they are often described as avid swimmers.
Similar to the Turkish Van, the Turkish Angora is another breed that may show an interest in water. Their long, silky fur may have contributed to their adaptability to water.
Maine Coons are known for their size and tufted ears, and some individuals of this breed may enjoy playing with water. Their water-resistant fur can make them more tolerant of damp conditions.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large and robust breed with a thick, water-resistant coat. Some individuals in this breed may not mind getting wet and may enjoy playing with water.
Japanese Bobtails are known for their unique bobbed tails and sociable personalities. Some cats of this breed may be intrigued by water and may even play in shallow water.
Manx cats, known for their taillessness or short tails, may exhibit an interest in water. The lack of a long tail might contribute to their relative comfort around water.
Siberian cats, while generally not avid swimmers, may tolerate water more than some other breeds. Their thick, triple-layered coat provides some protection against water.
Abyssinians are an active and playful breed, and some individuals may show curiosity about water. While they may not be true swimmers, they might enjoy playing near water sources.