8 Hydrating Superfoods To Keep You Energized Throughout The Day

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1. Watermelon 

Composed of about 92% water, watermelon is a delicious and hydrating fruit. 

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2. Cucumber 

With a water content of around 95%, cucumbers are not only hydrating but also low in calories. 

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3. Celery 

Consisting of about 95% water, celery is a crunchy and hydrating vegetable. 

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4. Strawberries 

These berries are approximately 91% water and provide a sweet and hydrating snack. 

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5. Lettuce 

Leafy greens like lettuce have a high water content, contributing to hydration. 

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6. Oranges 

Packed with water and electrolytes, oranges are a juicy and hydrating citrus fruit. 

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7. Coconut Water 

A natural electrolyte-rich beverage, coconut water helps replenish fluids and minerals. 

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8. Yogurt 

Besides being a source of probiotics, yogurt contains a significant amount of water, contributing to hydration. 

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8 Superfoods For Sharp Eyesight