8 Foods To Help Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

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1. Berries    

Packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, berries may support blood vessel health and help maintain normal blood pressure. 

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2. Fatty Fish   

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish can help reduce blood pressure and support heart health. 

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3. Garlic  

Allicin, a compound in garlic, has been associated with blood pressure-lowering effects and overall cardiovascular health. 

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4. Leafy Greens 

High in potassium and magnesium, leafy greens contribute to blood pressure regulation and overall cardiovascular health. 

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5. Bananas 

Rich in potassium, bananas can help regulate blood pressure by balancing sodium levels in the body. 

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6. Oats 

Whole grains like oats contain beta-glucans, which have been linked to lower blood pressure levels. 

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7. Beets  

Beets contain nitrates, which can help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, potentially lowering blood pressure. 

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8. Low-Fat Dairy 

A good source of calcium and potassium, low-fat dairy products may contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

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8 Foods To Boost Kidney Health