8 Drinks To Cure A Party Hangover

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1. Water with Lemon 

Hydration is key; lemon adds a refreshing twist and vitamin C. 

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2. Coconut Water 

Replenishes electrolytes and provides hydration without added sugars. 

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3. Ginger Tea 

Soothes the stomach and aids digestion, easing nausea. 

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4. Green Tea 

Packed with antioxidants, it can help detoxify the body. 

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5. Vegetable Juice 

Rich in nutrients, it helps restore vitamins and minerals.

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6. Sports Drinks  

Replenish electrolytes lost during alcohol consumption. 

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7. Bone Broth 

Contains nutrients that support recovery and soothe the digestive system. 

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8. Peppermint Tea  

Eases digestive discomfort and provides a calming effect. 

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8 Nutrition-Rich Foods To Include In Your Diet