8 Dog Bite Prevention Tips For Kids 

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1. Ask for Permission 

Teach children to always ask the owner for permission before approaching a dog. Not all dogs are comfortable with strangers, and some may be anxious or scared. 

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2. Approach Slowly and Calmly 

Instruct children to approach dogs slowly and calmly, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises. Encourage them to let the dog come to them rather than rushing toward the dog. 

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3. Allow the Dog to Smell You 

Dogs use their sense of smell to gather information about the world. Teach children to extend their closed hand for the dog to sniff before attempting to pet them. 

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4. Avoid Disturbing Dogs While Eating or Sleeping 

Dogs can be protective of their food and may startle if disturbed while eating. Similarly, waking a sleeping dog can startle them. Instruct kids to leave dogs alone during these times. 

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5. Avoid Direct Eye Contact 

While direct eye contact can be perceived as a threat by some dogs, teach children to avoid staring directly into a dog's eyes. Instead, encourage them to look at the dog's body language. 

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6. Watch for Warning Signs 

Teach kids to recognize signs of stress or discomfort in dogs, such as growling, barking, or a stiff body. If a dog shows these signs, it's important to give them space. 

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7. Don't Disturb Dogs in Cars or Behind Fences 

Dogs can be protective of their space, especially when confined. Instruct children not to approach dogs inside cars or behind fences without the owner's permission. 

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8. Be Gentle and Respectful 

Teach children to be gentle when petting dogs and to avoid pulling on their ears, tails, or fur. Remind them to treat animals with kindness and respect. 

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8 Ways To Keep Your Dog Warm And Safe This Winter