8 Birds That Attack Humans

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1. Magpies 

Magpies, particularly during breeding season, may become aggressive towards humans who come too close to their nests. They are known to swoop down and peck at perceived threats, such as cyclists or pedestrians. 

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2. Canada Geese 

Canada geese can become aggressive, especially during their nesting season. They may hiss, flap their wings, or even chase humans who approach their nests or goslings too closely. 

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3. Swans  

While graceful in appearance, swans can be aggressive, especially when they feel threatened or are protecting their young. They may use their powerful beaks and wings to defend their territory. 

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4. Cassowaries  

Cassowaries, large flightless birds found in parts of Australia and Papua New Guinea, have been known to attack humans, particularly if they feel cornered or provoked. They have sharp claws and can deliver powerful kicks. 

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5. Emus  

Emus, another large flightless bird native to Australia, can become aggressive, especially during mating season. They may charge or peck at humans if they feel threatened. 

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6. Ostriches   

Ostriches are the largest birds in the world and have powerful legs and sharp claws. While they are not typically aggressive towards humans, they may attack if they feel threatened or cornered. 

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7. Gulls  

While most gull species are not aggressive towards humans, some may become aggressive, particularly in urban areas where they have become accustomed to human presence and may scavenge for food aggressively. 

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8. Australian Magpie-lark   

Australian Magpie-larks, also known as PeeWees, can become aggressive during nesting season, particularly towards intruders near their nests. They may swoop down and peck at perceived threats. 

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