Simple Tests To Check Purity Of Honey 

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1. Water Test 

Place a small amount of honey in a glass of water. Pure honey should settle at the bottom without dissolving. Adulterated honey may dissolve or form bubbles. 

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2. Thumb Test 

Take a small amount of honey on your thumb and check if it sticks or spreads. Pure honey is sticky and should remain on your thumb, while impure honey may easily spread. 

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3. Paper Test 

Put a drop of honey on a piece of paper. Pure honey will not be absorbed and should not leave wet or sticky marks. Adulterated honey may be absorbed or leave marks. 

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4. Crystallization Test 

Real honey tends to crystallize over time. If your honey has not crystallized after a long period, it might indicate adulteration with sugar syrup or other substances. 

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5. Flame Test 

Dip the tip of a matchstick into honey and then strike it against the matchbox. Pure honey should light the match easily due to its flammable properties. Impurities might hinder the combustion process. 

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6. Vinegar Test 

Mix a few drops of honey with vinegar. If the mixture foams, it indicates the presence of chalk or gypsum, common adulterants in honey. 

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7. Heating Test 

Heat a small amount of honey in a microwave or on a stove. Pure honey caramelizes, while adulterated honey may foam or produce a burnt smell. 

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8. Ant Test 

Place a drop of honey in front of ants. Pure honey will attract ants, while impure honey might repel them. 

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