9 Most Beautiful Peacock Breeds

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1. Indian Peafowl  

The Indian Peafowl, also known as the common peafowl, is the most recognized and widely distributed peacock breed. The male, or peacock, boasts vibrant iridescent blue and green plumage, with an impressive tail featuring colorful "eye" spots. 

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2. Green Peafowl  

Native to Southeast Asia, the Green Peafowl is characterized by its deep green and metallic blue plumage. The male's train is shorter than that of the Indian Peafowl but equally captivating. 

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3. Congo Peafowl  

This lesser-known peafowl species hails from the Congo Basin in Africa. The males exhibit unique blue and green feathers with a distinctive white vent and facial skin. 

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4. White Peafowl  

A genetic variation of the Indian Peafowl, the White Peafowl, features all-white plumage and lacks the vibrant colors of its counterparts. Its ethereal appearance makes it a popular choice in ornamental settings. 

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5. Bronze Peafowl  

Another color variation of the Indian Peafowl, the Bronze Peafowl features rich, bronze-colored plumage. The metallic sheen of their feathers adds to their regal appearance. 

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6. Java Green Peafowl  

Native to the islands of Java and Bali, the Java Green Peafowl displays a mix of vibrant green and blue plumage. They have an elegant appearance, with a more slender body compared to other peafowl species. 

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7. Black-Shouldered Peafowl 

This variety of Indian Peafowl is distinguished by its predominantly white plumage with black shoulders. The striking contrast between the white and black feathers creates a visually appealing display. 

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8. Spalding Peafowl 

A hybrid between the Indian Peafowl and the Green Peafowl, the Spalding Peafowl combines the vivid colors of both parent species. This hybrid is often bred for its unique and captivating appearance. 

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9. Opal Peafowl 

Another striking hybrid, the Opal Peafowl, results from crossing the Indian Peafowl with the White Peafowl. The resulting plumage showcases opalescent hues, creating a breathtaking and unique visual effect. 

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In The Doghouse: Ranking 9 Breeds By Their Bite Force