8 Yoga Poses And Practices To Aid Fat Burning    

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1. Surya Namaskar 

This dynamic sequence of postures engages multiple muscle groups, boosting metabolism and promoting calorie burning. 

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2. Warrior Poses 

These standing poses strengthen the legs, arms, and core, enhancing overall muscle mass and contributing to fat loss. 

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3. Plank Pose 

This isometric exercise engages the entire body, especially the core, leading to improved muscle tone and increased calorie expenditure. 

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4. Chair Pose  

By targeting the lower body, particularly the thighs and buttocks, this pose activates large muscle groups, aiding in fat burning. 

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5. High Lunge Twist 

Combining a lunge with a twist engages the core and stimulates the abdominal muscles, promoting fat loss in the midsection. 

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6. Boat Pose 

This challenging core exercise helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, enhancing overall metabolism and supporting fat reduction. 

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7. Bridge Pose  

This backbend not only strengthens the spine but also targets the glutes and thighs, contributing to improved muscle tone and fat burning. 

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8. Seated Forward Bend 

Stretching the spine and engaging the abdominal muscles, this seated pose aids digestion and supports weight management by targeting the belly area. 

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