8 Unique And Exotic Fruits From Around The World 

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1. Dragon Fruit 

Originating from Iran (formerly Persia), Persian cats are known for their long, luxurious fur, flat faces, and distinctive large eyes. They have a calm and gentle temperament. 

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2. Rambutan 

Native to Southeast Asia, the rambutan is a tropical fruit with hairy red or yellow skin. The flesh is juicy, translucent, and has a sweet and mildly acidic flavor. 

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3. Mangosteen 

Hailing from Southeast Asia, mangosteen is known as the "queen of fruits." It has a thick, purple rind and juicy, segmented white flesh with a sweet and tangy taste. 

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4. Jackfruit

Native to southwest India, jackfruit is the largest tree fruit. It has a fibrous texture and sweet taste. Jackfruit is versatile and often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian dishes. 

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5. Salak 

Originally from Indonesia, salak has reddish-brown scaly skin resembling snake scales. The flesh is crunchy, sweet, and slightly tangy. 

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6. Cherimoya 

Native to the Andes region in South America, cherimoya is often called the "custard apple." It has a green, scaly skin and soft, creamy, sweet flesh with a hint of pineapple and banana flavors. 

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7. Durian 

Known as the "king of fruits" in Southeast Asia, durian has a strong odor but a unique and rich taste. It has a custard-like texture and a combination of sweet and savory flavors. 

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8. Feijoa  

Originally from South America, feijoa has green, egg-shaped skin and a fragrant, tropical aroma. The sweet and tangy flesh is filled with a jelly-like center. 

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