8 Tips To Keep Your Dog Warm And Safe During Winter

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1. Provide Adequate Shelter  

Ensure your dog has a warm and dry shelter to retreat to when outdoors. A well-insulated dog house with raised flooring and bedding can provide protection from cold temperatures, wind, and precipitation. 

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2. Limit Time Outdoors 

Minimize your dog's time outdoors during extreme cold weather, especially if they are sensitive to low temperatures or have short fur. Take shorter walks and provide indoor playtime and exercise alternatives to keep them active and entertained. 

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3. Protect Their Paws 

Cold pavement, ice, and snow can be harsh on your dog's paw pads. Consider using paw wax or booties to protect their paws from salt, ice melt, and abrasive surfaces. After walks, wipe their paws with a damp cloth to remove any harmful substances. 

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4. Dress Them Appropriately     

Consider dressing your dog in a cozy sweater or jacket to provide extra warmth during walks or outdoor activities. Choose clothing that covers their chest and belly and fits snugly without restricting movement or causing discomfort. 

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5. Maintain a Healthy Diet  

Keep your dog well-nourished and hydrated during winter to help them maintain a healthy body temperature. Provide high-quality food and fresh water indoors, and consider increasing their food intake if they spend more energy staying warm. 

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6. Monitor for Signs of Hypothermia  

Watch for signs of hypothermia, such as shivering, lethargy, pale gums, and difficulty walking. If your dog shows any signs of hypothermia, bring them indoors immediately, wrap them in warm blankets, and contact your veterinarian for further guidance. 

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7. Keep Them Leashed   

Keep your dog leashed when walking near frozen bodies of water, as ice may not be strong enough to support their weight. Avoid off-leash activities in areas where your dog could become lost or injured in cold weather conditions. 

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8. Provide Indoor Entertainment    

Keep your dog mentally stimulated and entertained indoors with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and training sessions. Engage in indoor games and activities to prevent boredom and provide mental enrichment during winter. 

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