8 Smart Ways to Reduce Sodium Intake  

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1. Choose Fresh Produce  

Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are naturally low in sodium and rich in essential nutrients. 

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2. Read Labels 

Pay attention to food labels, selecting items with lower sodium content and avoiding high-sodium processed foods. 

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3. Cook at Home 

Prepare meals at home using fresh ingredients, allowing better control over the amount of salt added to dishes. 

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4. Use Herbs and Spices 

Enhance flavor with herbs, spices, and other seasonings instead of relying on salt, reducing sodium intake while adding variety to meals. 

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5. Limit Processed Meats 

Cut back on processed meats like bacon and deli meats, as they often contain high levels of sodium. 

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6. Choose Low-Sodium Alternatives 

Opt for low-sodium or sodium-free versions of products like broths, sauces, and canned goods. 

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7. Rinse Canned Foods 

Rinse canned vegetables, beans, and other foods to reduce sodium content before consuming. 

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8. Monitor Portion Sizes 

Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overconsumption of high-sodium foods, helping maintain a balanced and heart-healthy diet. 

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8 Korean Delicacies You Can Enjoy For Breakfast