8 Healthy Ingredients That Can Be Used For Making Waffles

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1. Whole Wheat Flour  

Substitute part or all of the regular flour with whole wheat flour to increase the fiber content and add more nutrients like B vitamins and minerals. 

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2. Oats     

Rolled oats or oat flour can add a nutty flavor and extra fiber to waffles, making them more filling and satisfying. 

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3. Greek Yogurt  

Adding Greek yogurt to waffle batter can increase the protein content while keeping the waffles moist and tender. 

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4. Bananas     

Mashed ripe bananas can add natural sweetness and moisture to waffles without the need for extra sugar or fat. 

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5. Chia Seeds 

These tiny seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Adding them to waffle batter can boost nutritional value without altering the taste significantly. 

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6. Almond Flour  

Almond flour is a gluten-free alternative to regular flour that adds a nutty flavor and extra protein to waffles. 

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7. Flaxseed Meal 

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Grinding them into a meal and incorporating them into waffle batter can provide a nutritional boost. 

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8. Sweet Potatoes 

Cooked and mashed sweet potatoes can add natural sweetness, fiber, and vitamins to waffles while also giving them a beautiful golden color. 

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