8 Enrichment Activities For Your Dog

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1. Treat Puzzle Toys 

Puzzle toys that hide treats inside encourage dogs to solve the puzzle to get to the treat. These toys stimulate their brains and keep them occupied for extended periods. 

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2. Hide and Seek 

Hide treats or favorite toys around the house or yard and encourage your dog to find them. This game engages their natural hunting instincts and provides mental stimulation. 

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3. Obstacle Course 

Set up a simple obstacle course using household items or specific agility equipment. Guiding your dog through the course can help improve their focus, coordination, and confidence. 

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4. Tug-of-War 

Playing tug-of-war with a sturdy toy is a great physical and mental workout for dogs. It's also an excellent opportunity to teach them "drop it" or "leave it" commands in a fun setting. 

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5. Interactive Feeding Toys 

Instead of feeding your dog from a bowl, use interactive feeding toys that make them work for their food. This not only slows down fast eaters but also provides a mental challenge. 

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6. Training Sessions 

Regular short training sessions using positive reinforcement techniques can be mentally stimulating for dogs. Teach them new tricks or practice existing commands to keep their minds sharp. 

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7. Sniffari Walks 

Take your dog on 'sniffari' walks where you allow them to take the lead and explore the environment with their nose. This allows them to engage their powerful sense of smell and explore their surroundings in their own way. 

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8. Frozen Treats 

Freeze treats in ice cubes or in a Kong toy. This gives your dog a fun and cooling activity, especially good for hot days. It takes them time and effort to get to the treat, providing mental stimulation. 

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