8 Easy To Digest Foods Lets Have A Look At Them    

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1. Bananas 

Packed with easily digestible carbohydrates, bananas are gentle on the stomach and provide a quick energy boost. 

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2. White Rice 

Low in fiber, white rice is easy to digest, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive issues. 

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3. Boiled Potatoes 

When boiled, potatoes become soft and easy to digest, making them a good choice for a mild and comforting option. 

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4. Oatmeal 

A source of soluble fiber, oatmeal is not only nutritious but also gentle on the digestive system, aiding in easy digestion. 

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5. Cooked Vegetables 

Steamed or boiled vegetables, such as carrots and zucchini, are easier to digest compared to raw ones and provide essential nutrients. 

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6. Chicken or Turkey 

Lean proteins like chicken or turkey are easier to digest than fatty meats, providing necessary amino acids for muscle health. 

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7. Yogurt 

Probiotics in yogurt support a healthy gut, aiding digestion, and the smooth texture is generally well-tolerated. 

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8. Papaya 

Enzymes in papaya, such as papain, assist in breaking down proteins and promoting overall digestive health, making it an easily digestible fruit. 

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8 Ways To Include More Fiber In Your Diet