8 Best Cat Breeds For People With Allergies 

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1. Siberian   

Siberian cats are known to produce lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein, which is a common allergen in cat saliva and skin glands. They have long, dense fur, but they produce fewer allergens compared to many other breeds. 

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2. Balinese  

Balinese cats, which are essentially long-haired Siamese cats, tend to produce fewer allergens because they have less undercoat. Their sleek coat sheds less, reducing the spread of allergens in the environment. 

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3. Russian Blue 

Russian Blue cats have a short, dense coat that produces fewer allergens. They are often recommended for individuals with allergies because they groom themselves less frequently than other breeds, resulting in lower levels of allergens being spread around the home. 

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4. Bengal 

Bengal cats have a distinctive coat with unique patterns and markings. While they are not completely hypoallergenic, many people with allergies find that they tolerate Bengal cats well because they produce fewer allergens compared to other breeds. 

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5. Cornish Rex 

Cornish Rex cats have a unique curly coat that sheds less than the fur of other breeds. Their short, fine hair produces fewer allergens, making them a better choice for individuals with allergies. 

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6. Devon Rex  

Similar to the Cornish Rex, Devon Rex cats have a soft, curly coat that sheds less and produces fewer allergens. They are known for their playful and affectionate personalities, making them popular pets for allergy sufferers. 

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7. Sphynx 

Sphynx cats are unique in that they are nearly hairless, which means they produce fewer allergens related to shedding fur. However, it's essential to note that Sphynx cats still produce saliva and skin oils that can cause allergies in some individuals. 

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8. Siamese 

While Siamese cats do shed, they are often recommended for people with allergies because they tend to produce fewer allergens compared to other breeds. Their short, fine coat requires minimal grooming, reducing the spread of allergens in the home. 

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